The Peeranha42 Core Installation Issues in difference to usual installation behaviour (Version 0.5 only): In Version 0.5 the P2P (JXTA) auto Configuration is not working (will be fixed very soon!) Because of that you have to configure JXTA manually. To start the Core you have to use the following command: java -jar Peeranha42.jar -jxtaconfig If Peeranha42 is loading for the first time, the jxta configuration dialog will appear. Please provide the following settings for the core to operate properly. Basic Tab: Provide a username. Advanced Tab: Leave everything as it is except the following: Enable Incoming Connections for HTTP Rendezvous/Relays Tab: Please enter the following information manually (DO NOT USE THE 'Download relay and rendezvous lists' Button): Available TCP rendez-vous: Port 9701 Available HTTP rendez-vous: Port 9700 If you are behind a firewall, IP Masquerading oder NAT System you may have to use a relay: For that reason enter the following information manually: Available TCP relays: Port 9701 Available HTTP relays: Port 9700 Security Tab: Provide a username and a password Now hit the OK Button and Peeranha42 should start up. If you have problems have a look at our forum: or contact our support-team at: